what is compressive strength of concrete| how to find compressive strength of materials

what is compressive strength of concrete | how to find compressive strength of materials

Compressive strength is the capacity to oppose pressure loads. When all is said in done, utilizing RCA in the substantial blend decline compressive strength contrasted with virgin total. How ewer, at 28 days, all mix designs usually exceed 50 MPa compressive strength.  One study showed the compressive strength of virgin concrete was 58.6 MPa and the RCA concrete ranged from 50.9 to 62.1 MPa. 


There were higher values for concrete made with 50% RCA compared to 100% RCA. The deficiency of compressive strength is in the scope of 30-40% for the substantial made with RCA at 28 days. There was a minor reduction in 28 and 56 days compressive strength when virgin aggregate was partially replaced with RCA and a much greater reduction when RCA was used in full.

The most influential parameter affecting compressive strength in the w/c ratio. Other influential parameter include fine RCA content, cleanness of aggregate, interaction between fine RCA content and crushed brick content and interaction between w/c ratio and coarse RCA content . Keeping a constant w/c ratio, air-dried RCA containing concrete had the highest compressive strength compared to oven-dried and saturated surface dry RCA. Using unwashed RCA reduces compressive strength particularly at lower w/c ratios. Compressive strength is 50% of virgin concrete at 0.38 w/c and 75% at 0.6 w/c.

 what is compressive strength of concrete | how to find compressive strength of materials

When comparing laboratory made RCA and field demolished RCA, there was the same basic trend in all strength developed. Admixtures in the original concrete has no signification impact on the compressive strength of the new RCA concrete. At the point when slag is added to the RCA concrete, it creates strength throughout a more extended timeframe contrasted with ordinary cement.


Some research suggest that compressive strength is dependent on the amount of time the RCA spent in the stockpile after crushing. For example, concrete made with RCA that was in the stockpile one day had a 25% higher compressive strength than concrete made with RCA that was in the stockpile 28 days. Concrete made with RCA that was in the reserve seven days had a seven percent lower compressive strength than substantial that was in the store 28 days. 


RCA concrete showed good performance when exposed to temperatures up to 600 C with a loss in compressive strength of 20-25%. When RCA concrete fails it is usually because cracks passed through the RCA: however, when virgin concrete fails it is usually due to bond failure at the aggregate paste interface.

There are several barriers to overcome in order for RCA to become widely accept. Initially there is high investment cost to purchase concrete crushers. In addition, maintenance cost of concrete crushers is significant.

As reasonable obstacles are present if crushing of concrete is done by concrete crushers. Similarly problems are there if crushing process is done by man power. Both these methods of crushing have their advantages and disadvantages.  Machine crushing has advantage of smooth crushing but increase the cost which is major concern in the project.

what is compressive strength of concrete | how to find compressive strength of materials

On the other hand, manual crushing has advantage according to the major purpose of the project i.e., cost but having disadvantage of ineffective smoothness in crushing aggregate and chance of breaking of aggregates particles into small pieces. So, there are some problems identified during crushing

There is a problem to make the RCA surface free the mortar mechanically or manually for its proper usage in the concrete to make bond. If the surface is not free from mortar than its bond become weak and it gives no better strength.

Another complication is related to quality of RCA. Highways require quality material that meets engineering, economic an environment consideration. RCA cannot be used where high performance is required,

Concrete that RCA has less compressive and flexure strength, increase dry shrinkage. There is also lack of knowledge on how RCA affects durability.

Government agencies have been show down to embrace to use of RCA due to concern about quality and reluctance to change the past practices. The use of material specification is a crunches in use in RCA. However, specific standards to use RCA in new concrete are not currently available

what is compressive strength of concrete | how to find compressive strength of materials